The variability and complexity of tax laws are serious impediments to the establishment and development of business in Russia and to proper taxpayer rights guarantees. Unfortunately the fiscal authorities implementing tax policy of the state often incorrectly interpret or ignore provisions of the Tax Code and related legislative acts governing both general and specific rates of tax legislation. In most cases the taxpayer is not able to learn and understand the current tax laws, and failure to comply with the provisions of the regulations may lead to civil tax or even criminal prosecution.
The system of taxes as compulsory payments has a complex branched structure, there are a lot of different kinds of taxes, the value rates of which are set by law. Taxation of the organization is a mandatory and integral part of activities of any company. Proper system of tax planning is what business performance often depends on in highly competitive environment. In addition, the requirements of tax authorities tighten each year, and the system of tax legislation (one of the most complex systems in its structure) expands and undergoes constant change. Only serious and careful attitude to the tax laws allows a company or entrepreneur to successfully act and develop.
Legal and appraising firm PARTNER, CJSC offers you the following tax services:
- Legal tax advice;
- Study of documents to determine validity and legality of tax authorities actions and decisions;
- Negotiating with tax authority inspectors;
- Preparation of objections to a tax audit;
- Appeal against actions and decisions of a tax authority to a higher tax authority, preparation of an appeal to the Department of Federal Tax Service to the decision of a tax inspection;
- Judicial appeals against decisions of tax authorities, protection of taxpayer interests in bankruptcy court;
- Preparation of legal documents (preparation of court claims, responses to the statements of claim, appeal and cassation claims against court decisions) for the tax authority decisions to be recognized null and void;
- Appealing arbitration court decisions on tax issues in superior courts.