Юридическо-оценочная фирма  «ПАРТНЕР»

Registration of legal entities

1. Limited liability companies registration
2. Closed and open joint stock companies registration

3.1 Limited liability company registration

Registration of a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter - LLC) is regulated by the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" of February 08, 1998 N14-ФЗ.

Procedure for registration of LLC is determined by the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" of August 08, 2001 № 129-ФЗ.

In accordance with Article 2 § 1 of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" of February 08, 1998 N14-ФЗ, a limited liability company is a business entity established by one or more persons which authorized capital is divided into shares; members of the company do not meet for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their shares in the company's authorized capital.

The following should be considered while registering LLC:
1. Citizens and legal entities can be participants of the company;
2. The company may be established by one person who becomes its sole member;
3. The company can not have another business company consisting of one person as its sole participant;
4. Number of participants in the society should not be over fifty;
5. The size of the share capital shall be not less than ten thousand rubles;
6. Payment for shares in the company's authorized capital may be made in cash, securities, other property or property rights or other rights having monetary value;
7. If the nominal value or increase of the nominal value of a share of a participant of the company in the authorized capital of the company, which is paid by non-monetary resources, accounts for more than twenty thousand rubles, in order to determine the value of this property an independent appraiser service shall be used unless otherwise provided by federal law;
8. The company is liable for its obligations with all property belonging to it. The company is not liable for the obligations of its participants.

The following individuals may be applicants for LLC state registration:

a) the head of the permanent executive body of the legal entity under registration or other person having the right to act on behalf of the legal entity without power of attorney;
b) the founder or founders of the legal entity when it is created;
c) the head of the legal entity being the founder of the legal entity under registration;
d) bankruptcy manager or head of liquidation commission (liquidator) on liquidation of a legal entity;
e) any other person acting under the authority provided by federal law, by the act of a specifically authorized state agency or by a local government act.

Documents / information required to be submitted for LLC state registration:

1. Name of the legal entity (full / abbreviated in Russian, if necessary, in foreign languages);
2. Documents confirming the location of the legal entity;
3. The size and form of payment of the authorized capital, if the nominal value or increase of the nominal value of a share of a participant of the company in the authorized capital of the company, which is paid by non-monetary resources, accounts for more than twenty thousand rubles, in order to determine the value of this property an independent appraiser service shall be used;
4. Activities according to Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities;
5. Information on a chosen taxation system;
6. Information on the Manager (job title, passport information, TIN certificate);
7. Information on the Chief Accountant (passport information);
8. Information on the founders (passport details, TIN certificate, size of the company participant's share in the share capital);
9. Extract from the Register of foreign legal entities of the country of origin (if a founder is a foreign legal entity);
10. Contact person information (phone, e-mail).